Created by master distiller Joanne Moore, Bloom London Dry Gin is a delightfully light gin with sweet floral notes. Made using a bespoke blend of chamomile, honeysuckle, and pomelo, this is a unique and special gin.
With its beautifully designed bottle, plus included tonics and chocolate, this can make an ideal choice for a birthday gin gift, Mother’s Day gift or as an anniversary present. Delivered in one of our occasion gift boxes, presented with a personalised gift message of your choice, this gift set is sure to make an impression.
Full Contents –
Bloom London Dry Gin, 70cl, 40% ABV
Fever-Tree Elderflower Tonic Water, 500ml
Choc Affair Gin & Tonic Milk Chocolate, 90g
Cambrook Salted Peanuts, 45g
Size: 70cl
Alcohol Content: 40% by Volume
Botanicals: Chamomile, Pomelo, Honeysuckle, Angelica root, Coriander seed, Juniper, Cubeb
Awards: Double Gold at the International Spirits Challenge 2022
Tasting Notes: Fresh, Floral, Sweet, Aromatic